Specialization in Asphalt Sustainability Implementation: Opportunities — Design, Construction and Maintenance of Porous Pavements

Specialization in Asphalt Sustainability Implementation: Opportunities — Design, Construction and Maintenance of Porous Pavements

NAPA Store

Heather Dylla; Kent R. Hansen; Tom Baird

Government/Academia: $0.00
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Non-Member: $0.00Your price

Archived webinar. Porous asphalt pavements are a multifunctional, low-impact development (LID) technology. Not only do they provide pavements for parking and roads, they are designed to manage and treat stormwater runoff. Beyond stormwater management, other major benefits of porous asphalt pavements include reduced noise; increased wet weather friction and visibility; and reduced stormwater temperatures before discharge. Attendees will learn when to use porous pavements to maximize their benefits, be given guidance on mix design and proper construction techniques, and be provided lessons learned from a Lake George, N.Y., case study. Part of the Specialization in Asphalt Sustainability Implementation series.

Recorded: May 19, 2016
107 minutes/132.6 MB